The family and I had a really fantastic time here. The kids were really in their element. They soon made friends and hung out with their new Italian amici every day as soon as breakfast was over. The result was perfect peace for us and happy children.
Being a 4-star hotel, it is not too snooty; the children had the time of their lives, and we got to relax. I believe you have kids too, so you know how little time you ever get to relax and how appreciated any relax and "me time" is.
They say that with a car, there is lots to see nearby. I wouldn't really know. We just savored all the resort could offer, and it is a lot. Wonderful swimming pool, fabulous food, and happy children. The beach too was lovely, in a private little cove, and the area was perfect for long walks or simply relaxing. We hired bikes from the hotel and also snorkeled in the crystal-clear water—it is as clear as the water in the Maldives.
Bottom line is the resort was all and everything I needed.
We will definitely go back again to what is, in our view, one of the most charming resorts that Sardinia has to offer. This is about the fifth time I have visited Sardinia, and this was definitely the best place we have stayed. By the way, Sardinia is my favourite region in Italy; you should rate it higher up on your Italian regions page.
Wayne and family
To read more on this hotel or to book, please click here.
Andrew's reply: Thank you very much for the review. I completely agree with you that resorts like
this are a great way to visit Sardinia, particularly if you
have young children. Before I became a parent, I never really appreciated just how wonderful resorts were. I now realize just what a wonderful idea they are. There's the opportunity for everyone to do their own thing and lots of time for quality family time too.
I don't know this resort in Sardinia personally, but I've heard it's an amazing place for kids. Good friends of ours often stay there, and they swear that it is awesome. In fact, they reckon it is the highlight of their year and they book a year in advance to be sure of getting in.
From what they tell me, it probably wouldn't be suitable for older people or perhaps those looking for a quiet romantic time.
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